Each day comes with problems and promises,obstacles and opportunities,burdens and benefits,disappointments and daily duties,setbacks and steppingstones.Welcome each day as a new gift from God.it comes with lessons to learn and challenges to face in order to strengthen your moral and spiritual muscles.Welcome the day with a cheerful heart,saying,''This is the day''.Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only a vision;but today well lived,makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope..Today is your most precious possession,the only sure possession.it is unproductive to embitter the present by brooding and worrying over things that happened in the past..Worrying destroys our ability to think possitively,and to concentrate on making positive changes.Receive each day as a gift from the hands of your heavenly father.Go through each day with the ''work of faith,and labour of love,and patience of hope in our Lord jesus christ.Do something,by the grace of God and through the strength supplied by the holy spirit each day..Let today and everyday be a gateway to a glorious future