ose who have this relationship on a constant, ongoing basis;
• Those that have this relationship on and off, and
• Those who have this relationship but don't know they do because
immediately after, it is wiped off their memory by demonic
The third group is the worst group to belong. Since they cannot remember the dream, they will not be able to do something about it.
These spirits have so mastered the art of deception that they will use the faces of people you are familiar with when they visit you at night. They could use the face of your father, husband, brother, boss or colleague at work, and even of your pastor etc…
All these people have nothing to do with this night encounter. We must be careful not to mistake these evil spirits with our loved ones. Sometimes they can appear in the form of animals like (black) dog etc...
It's not in dreams that you're supposed to meet with your husband this way.
Any experience like that is very questionable, it is call “the spirit husband”
These night-times [sometimes day-time] experiences are called encounters with spirit husbands and spirit wives or “night demons” “demons of sexual lust”. (a. Lust is a desire for illegal pleasure,
b. Lust is the willingness to meet a natural and legal need or desire in an illicit or sinful way.)
For example, to eat is a need for every human being, but to fulfill that need through gluttony (overeating) is lust.
To want nice things is a natural desire, but to be willing to meet that desire through dishonesty and trickery is lust.
There is nothing sinful about our natural God-given sexual urges, but to fulfill those urges through masturbation and/or sexual perversion is lust
Any type of disobedience can give demons access to your body for its use.
For people that are actively and willfully living in sexual sin the open door is apparent. It’s the people that are doing what they believe to be right before the Lord but are yet still struggling with these spirits that are the most perplexed.
• In West Africa they call these dream visitors; 'night husbands and night wives.'
• The Latin people of those days called it the 'encounter with incubi and succubi.'
If you look in the Webster's dictionary, Incubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have intimate relationships with women why they are asleep while Succubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have relationships with men in their sleep.
In Matthew 13:25, the Bible says; "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."
The most dangerous part of your day is really not when you're driving on the highway, operating machinery in a factory or doing construction work on a high rise building or working with people who are possessed with demon.
The most dangerous part of anybody's day is when you lay down to sleep. That is when the enemy does the most damage to the majority of people.
In all honesty I do not know everything that needs to be known about this subject, but the little, tiny knowledge I have in studying, coupled with counseling and praying for people, I can say without any shadow of doubt that the problem of succubi and succubi is a very common problem that you cannot just dismiss with a wave of the hand.
What is so troubling is that many Christians, who are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, are also afflicted and affected by this problem. Out of ignorance and sometimes out of pride, keep this problem to themselves rather that cry out for help
Erica Joseph in a booklet titled "Sex with demons - Nightmares, Incubus and Succubus," had the following to say: "Sexual experiences with demonic spirits are very real even in this day and age.
I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, that have experienced this and some became bound by the spirits of Incubus and Succubus. I have personally taken both men and women through deliverance, where the witch or warlock has actually, through the use of astral travel, seduced them, having sexual relations with them as they slept, with them thinking it was only a dream.
This having been done through the utilization of "Familiar" spirits.
Are you possess by this demonic spirit husband and wife, i degree by the unstoppable power that resurrected Jesus from death and by the Blood of Jesus that you re deliever and free in Jesus mighty name i pray Amen.
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