hurting – he tries to do something about it. Some months ago, President Clinton adverted his attention to the Boko Haram insurgency in our Northern Nigeria, and he came to the assessment that the root of the problem was desperate poverty – the fact that our Northern Nigeria is dangerously far behind the rest of Nigeria in education and, therefore, in almost all other facets of economic development. Most informed Nigerians know that he is right.
What President Clinton probably didn’t know – or what he did not wish to touch upon – and what the world needs to be told, is that the political leaders of our Northern Nigeria bear most of the responsibility for the horrific poverty of our citizens in the North. These men are capable political leaders but, sadly, they think that their cardinal task as political leaders is to control Nigeria at all costs – to strategize at all times to hold Nigeria down under their thumb, and to successfully resist any change that could rob them of that control. In the process they are hurting their own people abysmally.
Between 1962 and now, they have been almost entirely responsible for turning the federal government into the sole controller of all power and resources in Nigeria – an accomplishment that has destroyed all peripheral centres of development as centres of development, sapped the spirit of local initiative, wrecked all local morale, turned the federal government itself into a podgy, incompetent, and hideously corrupt establishment, spread corruption deeply all over Nigeria, destroyed the spirit of enterprise among our people, turned even some of the best among us into abject favour-lickers and outright thieves, and handed the lives of the masses of Nigerians to ever-escalating, grinding, poverty. That is the heritage of the successful centralizing crusade which the northern leadership, as civilian politicians and military dictators, have championed since independence. A prominent northern citizen made the very important statement recently that, in the light of Nigeria’s natural and human wealth, the ever-deepening poverty among Nigerians was paradoxical and embarrassing. Yes, it is embarrassing, but it is not paradoxical. It is a direct outcome of policies that deliberately seek to rob all sections and localities of Nigeria of the power and ability to tackle their needs and concerns in the context of Nigeria. And as long as our northern political and intellectual elite continue to oppose and frustrate decentralization and devolution, as long as they continue to believe that they and the North have vested interests in federal control of all power, resources and assets in Nigeria, the poverty among the masses of our people will only get worse and worse – and Nigeria’s chance of cataclysmic revolts or even implosion will get bigger and bigger.
Unhappily, the masses of Northern Nigerians have been dished the largest, and disproportionate, share of the contrived poverty of Nigeria. Northern Nigeria is not just the poorest part of Nigeria today, it is one of the poorest places on the African continent. The main cause of this has been the ambivalence of the northern leaders about Western education – their hesitance to promote it as hard as the southern leaders of Nigeria have been doing. The massive prevalence of illiteracy has thus stunted all other facets of socio-economic development among the peoples of Northern Nigeria. But another factor has been the centralizing zeal of the northern political leadership. As northern leaders focus most of their political leadership assets on pushing and pulling all power and resources in Nigeria towards the federal centre, they have tended to show not much confidence in local initiative and development, and given correspondingly little energy to local development. Things were obviously not like this under the first Premier of the Northern Region, Sir Ahmadu Bello, in 1952-65. Under Sir Ahmadu Bello, though the Northern Region started with serious educational deficits, the Northern Region was a credible contestant in the development rivalry among the three regions of Nigeria. But, gradually since 1966, most of the regional strength has been dissipated, and much of the socio-economic gains have been lost. For instance, “federalization” virtually destroyed the main export crops (cocoa in the West, palm produce in the East, and groundnuts in the North) which had been the backbone of the Nigerian economy at independence – because each was robbed of the serious kind of support and encouragement that they had enjoyed in the hands of their regions. And then, to further worsen the situation in the north, there came a series of prolonged droughts. These devastated the already declining groundnut economy of northern farmers, and decimated the north’s ancient cattle industry. All these became particularly terrible because the government of Nigeria was almost totally focused on petroleum to the exclusion of other economic factors; neither the federal government nor the northern leadership was disposed to give the kind of massive response that was needed; and the petty little states that were being created (for the political purpose of weakening local energy and strengthening the federal centre) simply did not command the kind of muscle that the serious emergency demanded. In the circumstance, the north sank – and has continued to sink.
What I write today is a message to the ongoing Nigerian National Conference in Abuja. It is also a message to the wider world – especially to such great and concerned leaders of our world as Clinton, Tony Blair, President Carter, President G. W Bush, and President Barack Obama. Unbelievably, at the National Conference today, Nigeria’s northern political elite are still fighting might and mane for the preservation of the destructive status quo that they have been mostly responsible for creating. They do not care that the status quo is destroying their own northern Nigerians even more than the rest of Nigerians. It does not mean anything to them that one of their own foremost men, Atiku Abubakar, recently Vice-President of Nigeria, has sent a message to the National Conference asserting that over-centralization is hurting all parts of Nigeria, and passionately urging that we should restructure our union with the objective of unleashing the energies of our states and localities, and making our states fewer and stronger.
A young friend of mine who tried to reach me by telephone from Abuja left this message: “The northern leaders are going around here sir, arrogantly telling everybody that they will not let this conference achieve any change, that they oppose any kind of restructuring or devolution whatsoever. President Jonathan seems impotent. I fear now that our country is going to break up. I have tears in my eyes. Do something sir. Anything”.
In response, I have written this message. I am not confident that President Jonathan will, or can, do anything to improve the situation. His sole preoccupation seems to be to win re-election in 2015 – at whatever cost. But the world can help. And the world must help. I am crying out about the well-being of 170 million people...