I saw this on FB ... Read!It was around 4am when a small boy of 8yrs that insisted that he was going to sleep beside me stretch out his hand&hold my peepee while i was in deep sleep. But, suddenly i noticed that sumone is pressin my elastic thing which by then has become turgid. Immediately i had the unwholesome feeling, i regained consciousness & removed his hand,but surprisingly he started snoring. I get worried seeing youngsters turning out to be sexual perverts. My experience of sexual molestation from older guys as a child left a stamp on my life,whic its only the blood of jesus that was able to cleanse it. But the scar was overwhelming. However, i ve never wished to see any younger person go through the same hell i went through. Now, i dont know if what this boy did that night was consciously/unconsciously done, or was it a function of spiritual mind control by their self-conceived possessed house-help(maid), who was sleeping on the floor of the same room that night. I'm a Behavioural Scientist by proffession, but this case is a bit complicated. Any Psychologist or Human Behavioural expert in the house, pls comment & advise.
Obinna Barbington