Life is full of challenges and possibilies and what we get out of it depends upon our attitude,perspective and the decisions we make..The pessimist can see non-existent problems in the most promising of opportunities while the optimist can see a way out of most impossible jungle..
Peoblems are part of life..walking the path of God's promises does not guarantee a problem-free passage.
Canaan may be ours by divine donation,but we must still fight to possess the land--jordan to cross,jericho to conquer,ai to defeat etc..problems can either make us sink or swim depending on our disposition..The will to win is one of the most important attitude of the mind that can keep a person afloat in the midst of difficulties,help him to swim against the tides..happy readin folks.
Description : Life is full of challenges and possibilies and what we get out of it depends upon our attitude,perspective and the decisions we make..The pe...
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