Does True Love Exist?
People often ask, “Does true love exist?
I have had three broken relationships said a gud friend of mine. Each one made big promises they never kept.
I have tried healing myself by reading some inspirational articles, but nothing worked.
I always ask God, ’Why has all this happened to me when I was true to them?’
Is there no one made for me to give me love? I feel my life is full of regrets.
Please tell me what I need to do to heal myself?”
The number one issue to me about is poor relationships. The fact is that loving relationships—for which we were created—are vital for healthy and meaningful living. Without such relationships we limp along in the shadows of life eking out a lonely, empty and hollow existence—and very likely will die before our time.
True love does exist but it is a fruit of personal growth, maturity and wholeness—emotional and spiritual—for only to the degree that we are made whole will our attitudes, our behavior, our actions, and our relationships be wholesome.
Speaking personally, I had a lot of emotional issues from my childhood that I had to acknowledge and resolve before I found the love of my life. That took a deep commitment not only to God, seeking his help, but also for getting the counseling help I needed to overcome my personal issues and deficiencies.
Unfortunately, some Christians are expecting God to bring the “right” person to them. It doesn’t work this way. If we want to be attracted to the “right” person, we need to be the “right” person. Only healthy people are attracted to healthy people.
Actually, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we can learn a lot about ourselves by looking at our significant other relationships, as we are as healthy or as sick as the people we are attracted to.
In earlier years why was I attracted to ladies who were afraid to love? It was because I was unconsciously afraid to love. This was because I had felt rejected as a child and was unconsciously afraid of being hurt again. To overcome my fear, I needed to acknowledge it and get all the counseling help I needed to overcome.
Was it easy? No, at times it was extremely difficult but I knew that unless I overcame my fear of love, I would be running from love, for the rest of my life. I acknowledged my need when my pain was greater than my fear.